School autonomy has its legal basis in paragraph 21 of Law n. 59/1997 and in Constitutional Law n. 3/2001, which defined this form of autonomy as functional to the reaching of the goals of the education system.
This choice enabled institutions to acquire legal status, so that they become autonomous public authorities, subject to the rules and regulations of Public Administration and at the same time auxiliary state authorities as they pursue the aim of the state. This was a choice, which initially produced positive effects, but now we are experiencing a phase of wearing, mainly due to the difficulties in obtaining resources. Now, with the Law 107/2015 school autonomy was relaunched by intervening on various sectors. In this framework, what is particularly significant is the adoption of the TYPS, the Three-year Program of Studies, a building block of the cultural and planning identity of school institutions, which defines curricular, extra-curricular, educational and organisational planning of individual schools within the scope of their autonomy.
Drafted according to the principles of flexibility, responsibility and integration, the TYPS aims to create an inclusive school, capable of a flexible use of subject teaching and interdisciplinary teaching hours and encourages, according to the TYPS, the optimisation of the school timetable with additional hours. The determining figure for the fulfilment of the MISSION of the school is the Headmaster. According to Legislative Decree n. 165/2001 and paragraph 78 of Law n. 107/2015, the headmaster is entrusted of the unified management of the school, its legal representation, the promotion and coordination of activities. He is guarantor of the right to learn and of the educational success of the pupils and the responsibility of using the human, financial and instrumental resources of the institute. The changes introduced by Law n. 107/2015 on a professional level for Headmasters were the formulation of directions for the definition of the TYPS and for curricular and extra-curricular school activities, for planning activities, for the in-service training of the staff, for management and administration.
According to paragraph 25 of Legislative Decree 165/2001, the school headmaster:
- has autonomous power of management, coordination and evaluation of human resources;
- ensures the execution in school of the rights constitutionally protected: the teacher’s right to academic freedom, freedom of educational choice of families and the pupils’ right to learn;
- can determine the staff teachers up to 10% of the personnel;
- is assisted by the director of general and administrative services (DGAS) who acts in the framework of the instructions received by the headmaster himself;
- deals with the labour relations in the financial agreements of the institutions
- has direct responsibility as an employer related to safety at work;
- has the right to process personal data (privacy protection).
All his duties take place in compliance with the competencies of the school governing boards.Law 107/2015 gave further emphasis to school autonomy. The headmaster becomes the core of all school management by establishing the guidelines for school activities at the basis of the creation of the Three-year Program of Studies by the Teachers’ board, identifying the worthy teachers for the financial reward (bonus) according to the criteria established by the Committee for teachers’ evaluation.
Clara Peruzzi, laureata cum laude in Lingue e letterature straniere presso l’Università degli Studi di Bari, Dirigente Scolastico presso il Secondo Circolo Didattico San Giovanni Bosco di Terlizzi (BA) e ex-docente di lingua inglese di scuola superiore a tempo indeterminato da ventisei anni, con esperienza quadriennale di lavoro presso le Nazioni Unite a Vienna (IEAE), nonché traduttrice in lingua inglese, francese e tedesca presso il Tribunale di Trani, è docente formatrice delle insegnanti di scuola primaria di lingua inglese specializzata in didattica della lingua, formatrice per corsi per adulti e ragazzi con certificazioni CAMBRIDGE di vario livello e referente esami TRINITY. Negli anni ha curato vari volumi collettivi e ha pubblicato “The First English Book for Teachers and Headmasters 100%”, “The English Book for nursery and primary school teachers”, “L’inglese per i docent di scuola primaria e dell’infanzia” e il videocorso “Let’s start learning English together- from 0 to B1”.