National plannig for a digital school

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Cari colleghi nell’ambito dell’ ENGLISH CORNER, in previsione dei prossimi concorsi per :

-Dirigente Tecnico

-Docenti di scuola dell’infanzia, primaria e secondaria di primo e secondo grado

abbiamo deciso di ritagliare una piccola rubrica di legislazione scolastica in lingua inglese, semplice e accessibile, per affrontare al meglio le prove concorsuali.

The PNSD is an innovative strategy of the Italian school in the digital era, aimed to a dynamic training offer with the use of digital instruments, but not to give only a greater importance to the technological instruments than the epistemological and cultural area, in fact, nothing can disregard the teacher-student interaction. 


logo.jpgThe PNSD is supported by a  vision of education in the digital era according to the concept of lifelong-learning. The National Digital School Plan, foreseen in paragraph 57 of Law 107/2015, starts from the considerations of an important European document the "Educational training 2020" where it is highlighted that the technology offers opportunities to improve quality, access and equity that can be spent in the field of education and training. A cultural action that starts from an idea based on a school seen as a learning open space  and not a physical place, or a platform that allows students to develop life skills, according to the new concept of LifeLong Learning.


Digital learning and open resources, thanks to the use of ICT, allow an extension of the educational 

offer that crosses the boundaries of the classroom for a flexible learning. In this regard, the "ET 2020" document urges the development of communities practice (such as E-twinning, the EIT knowledge and innovation communities and the ICT based centers of excellence).The technologies at the service of the school according to the skills and learning of the students.


The focal points of the PNSD are:

- Computational thinking (or coding)

to be understood as a transversal competence to all disciplines where logical abilities are needed for problem solving, which can start from kindergarten, as it does not require

the skills of reading and writing but only logical ability to ask and solve problems.


-The critical and conscious use of social networks and media

that is achieved through an emotional and strict rules processes that also includes components related to active citizenship and legality through a right and responsible  use of social networks, media and their communicative potential.

- Production and ties with the world of work

This refers to the practical organizational skills (learn by doing) of virtual artefacts or materials using ICT. It is about developing two skills: creating and producing artifacts and developing entrepreneurial skills to create a natural contact between students, school and the world of work.

In summary, the PNSD aims to develop and improve the digital skills of students and at the same time, to ensure that digital technology becomes a teaching tool for the construction of skills in general.

Furthermore, paragraph 60 L.107 / 2015 provides the possibility to make territorial laboratories for employment, in the sectors of made in Italy, for the training and requalification of unemployed young people. Moreover the same laboratories try to open the school to the territory allowing the use of the school spaces for a fee to third parties, too.

 Sono Laura Di Masi, Napoletana ma casertana di adozione I miei studi: Liceo classico. Laurea in lingueDiploma post laureamTraduttore /interprete.Non nasco come docente, infatti per un decennio sono stata la responsabile ufficio estero di una importante azienda di import/export, divento insegnante per vocazione. La scuola e' la mia passione. Vincitrice di concorso a cattedra con max votazione mi abilito x insegnare inglese alla secondaria di I e II grado.Incomincio e continuo tuttora con entusiasmo.Funzione strumentale Area scuola e territorio e Ptof
Membro consiglio d'istitutoTutor Pon di lingua Docente ref. E-twinning. Funzione di docente specialista in metodologia Clil ( in Storia e Scienze).Adoro il mio lavoro, credo sia uno tra i piu' stimolanti e creativi ma di grande responsabilita'...alleviamo menti.Mi piace viaggiare, ascoltare musica e stare in mezzo alla gente.

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