AI & DIDACTIC: Back to the future

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A new challenge for school that  is constantly changing. It evolves together with the society, but it is always one step ahead as it is full  of talents who redisegned the society of tomorrow.

logo.jpgNew digital technologies have led to a revolution in our daily habits and teaching has also experimented with new tools and new learning environments.

In less than twenty years we went from the paper school to the institution of blog, from the books of encyclopedias to on line e-book, from laboratories  to Distance Learning, so now it’s a must to educate to digital.

According to  OCSE research, becoming digitally competent is essential to enable young people to participate  in a digitalised society and economy.

In fact the Council of the European Union has included Digital Competence among the Key Competences for lifelong learning and states:

“Digital competence involves safe, critical and responsible use and the involvement of digital technologies for learning, at work and in participation in society”.

Starting from this definition, the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens – DigComp 2.1 was drafted, a document that contains guidelines for Digital Education.

Many countries, including Italy, have adopted this reference framework, others by integrating it with national rules , moreover other States have created their own guidelines based on this community model.

In our country, the Ministry of Education has also drawn up the National Digital School Plan,  according to law 107 - 2015, which is the guide document for the launch of this innovation strategy of the Italian school and for a new positioning of its educational system in the digital age.

This Plan  is the answer for the construction of a vision of Education in the digital age, through a process that, for the school, is related to the challenges that society as a whole faces in interpreting and supporting life-long learning and in all contexts of life, formal and non-formal (life-wide). Technology offers many opportunities, but it  involves risks as well, and digital is no exception.

In fact, many of the problems already known to the educating community have migrated to the web, where they have gained strength and vigor. Online bullying and discrimination, for example, have a greater impact due to the faster and longer spread of content online.

The School has the duty to educate young people to a conscious use of digital in order to avoid the dangers of the internet and render the web a tool for inclusion,too.  In order to organize the rapid technological transformation of our societies and fill the gap of inequalities that emerge at the territorial level with regard to digital education, the European Union has launched the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

The EU Plan includes 2 strategic priorities: the development of a high-performance digital education ecosystem and the improvement of digital skills and competences for digital transformation. A European Digital Education Hub has also been created to increase cooperation to coordinate national and regional policies and disseminate good practices. However, digital offers many opportunities: the education of the future can count on new and important resources. 

The network allows you to share and find more information, as long as you know how to discriminate reliability. But the Digital School can explore new educational aids such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, gamification, robotics and blockchain.

The future has just begun, you just need to become fully aware of it and make good use of innovation!






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