The NATIONAL ASSESSMENT SYSTEM (NAS) is a strategic resource to guide educational and training policies in order to encourage the full implementation of educational institutions, to improve the educational offer, to reduce school early leaving and failure, as well as to reduce the variance between schools and in the school.
The theme of the EVALUATION, within the Italian school system, is very articulated and concerns several aspects. It is therefore necessary to outline the areas of intervention. It starts from the evaluation as a SYSTEM, passing from a STRICTLY ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT, which must appreciate the students’ learning processes and outcomes, to that of the SCHOOL, aimed at detecting the characteristics of the provided SCHOOL SERVICE.It must be taken into account the evaluation of the SCHOOL SYSTEM, aimed at capturing trends, the cost / quality ratio and reference macro-indicators.The autonomous schools are required to use tools and procedures to verify the results obtained with reference to national standards, for an INTERNAL EVALUATION and an EVALUATION as a SYSTEM, conducted by external subjects, aimed at testing the achievement of objectives defined for the school system.The main goal is acting for improvement.The Legislative Decree 286/2004 established the NATIONAL ASSESSMENT SERVICE (NAS) of the education and training system. The objective of this Service is to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall education and training system, framing its evaluation in the international context, especially in Europe.
THE NATIONAL EVALUATION SYSTEM, regulated today by Presidential Decree 80/2013, is divided into 3 levels represented by:
At the base of the NAS, there is no sanctioning or punitive aim but the intent to activate processes of self - improvement of the students’ quality of learning, the teachers’ teaching and professional behaviour.The counterweight to school autonomy is the system of checks and assessments that are imposed on educational institutions, to verify that their action is efficient and effective. Thus, while on the one hand a system of external controls was activated, on the other hand, in order to implement full educational autonomy, the need to allow the school to self - evaluate was strongly felt.
Sono Laura Di Masi Napoletana ma casertana di adozione I miei studi: Liceo classico -Laurea in lingue Diploma post laureamTraduttore /interprete. Non nasco come docente, infatti per un decennio sono stata la responsabile ufficio estero di una importante azienda di import/export, divento insegnante per vocazione. La scuola e' la mia passione.Vincitrice di concorso a cattedra con max votazione mi abilito x insegnare inglese alla secondaria di I e II grado.Incomincio e continuo tuttora con entusiasmo. Funzione strumentale Area scuola e territorio e PtofMembro consiglio d'istitutoTutor Pon di lingua Docente ref. E-twinning Funzione di docente specialista in metodologia Clil ( in Storia e Scienze).Adoro il mio lavoro, credo sia uno tra i piu' stimolanti e creativi ma di grande responsabilita'..alleviamo menti.Mi piace viaggiare, ascoltare musica e stare in mezzo alla gente.