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A particular provision, limited to the school year 2020/21, concerns pupils with disabilities, for whom re-enrollment is expected in the school year already attended at the request of the families. The text was approved on an amendment presented by Davide Faraone .

   logo.jpgThe conditions necessary to proceed to the repetition of the school year are as follows:

- Specific and motivated request from the family;

  • · Comparison with the Class Council and acquisition of the opinion of the operational working group for Inclusion;

- Verbalization of failure to achieve the objectives set in the individualized educational plan.

The text: “4-ter. Limited to the 2019/2020 school year, due to conditions related to the epidemiological situation of COVID-19, school managers, on the basis of specific and motivated 

requests from the families of pupils with disabilities, having heard the class councils and acquired the opinion of the working group for inclusion at school level, evaluate the opportunity to allow the student to re-enroll in the same year of the course attended in the 2019/2020 school year pursuant to article 14, paragraph 1, letter c), of the law 5 February 1992, n. 104, limited to the cases in which the failure to achieve the didactic and inclusive objectives for autonomy, established in the individualized educational plan, has been ascertained and recorded. "This is, of course, an exceptional solution, that tries to solve an educational emergency resulting from the exceptional nature of the moment. However, since it only concerns pupils with disabilities, we cannot help but wonder if it can adhere to the logic of inclusion. If it is true that distance learning was in some cases difficult to fully implement with pupils with disabilities, it is equally true that heterogeneous difficulties also emerged with other pupils, especially in the presence of social, linguistic and cultural disadvantages. 

Then it is given the chance to repeat the year, based on the comparison with families, only to pupils with disabilities, what does it represent, then? Is it  an opportunity for them to acquire those learnings that have failed to achieve this year? A missed opportunity for other pupils to get the same possibility? Is there a discrimination for the former or for the latter?

Finally, if we think about the fact that repeating the year means having to leave your companions, even after the forced detachment that has already become necessary due to a health emergency, we cannot avoid wondering if such a measure could have anything inclusive.

Sono Laura Di Masi Napoletana ma casertana di adozione I miei studi: Liceo classico -Laurea in lingue Diploma post lauream Traduttore /interprete. Non nasco come docente, infatti per un decennio sono stata la responsabile ufficio estero di una importante azienda di import/export, divento insegnante per vocazione. La scuola e' la mia passione.Vincitrice di concorso a cattedra con max votazione mi abilito x insegnare inglese alla secondaria di I e II grado.Incomincio e continuo tuttora con entusiasmo.Funzione strumentale Area scuola e territorio e Ptof Membro consiglio d'istitutoTutor Pon di lingua Docente ref. E-twinning Funzione di docente specialista in metodologia Clil ( in Storia e Scienze). Adoro il mio lavoro, credo sia uno tra i più stimolanti e creativi ma di grande responsabilità...alleviamo menti. Mi piace viaggiare, ascoltare musica e stare in mezzo alla gente.


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