Stella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattiva

The art. 4 of D.P.R. 417/74 relating to the inspection function says that: "the inspectors contribute to promote and coordinate the updating activities of school management and teaching staff of any order and grade; make proposals on teaching programs andexams, about the methodologies of experimentation which they coordinate; they can also be heard by the provincial school councils in relation to their function;

logo.jpg carry out assistance to the technical-didactic activities of the schools and await the inspections ordered by the Ministry; they perform study, research and technical consultancy activities for the Minister, too "

As can be seen from the above menntioned DPR, it is a figure with important tasks and functions, who must have an excellent professional profile along with knowledge, skills and familiarity with the problems concerning the school, especially the ones about educational and psycho-pedagogical problems as well as supported by a huge cultural substrate.

The times are now good to redefine the inspection-technical function, in a context of

autonomy of educational institutions,  National Evaluation System of

innovations introduced by Law 107/2015.

In  this sense , the DM n. 60/2010 contains practically the new act  that gives a new input to the inspection-technical function, making it a strong support for the innovation and improvement process and taking into account the new framework of the education system resulting from the reforms of the 1990s and the attribution of school autonomy.

The D.M 60 highlights that the school autonomy  still requires the permanence of

competences that belong to the school administration, being the main purpose of the inspection its technical supervision of the training results achieved, assistance to schools, the ongoing, initial and in-service training of school management and teaching staff, entrusted

also to the technical function. Technical managers are given a strategic role, also for supporting the active administration processes and for the ability to contribute to implement school policy.

The new inspection body should be an autonomous structured one, not only a control of schools but also, and above all, as a cultural promotion, innovation, research and planning at various levels.

The inspectors, better known as technical managers, must  be used to solve individual cases but especially for cultural orientation  and improving the schools quality in areas where their  scientific and technical skills and independent judgment can represent a qualifying input of school autonomy.

Inspectors must produce and enforce a  cultural elaboration on the basis of the

national, regional, provincial planning, in order to put the culture and the person

really at the center of maximum commitment of the school organization, especially 

the figure of the inspector must be based above all in the perspective of school planning with 

attention towards Europe.

Sono Laura Di Masi, Napoletana ma casertana di adozione I miei studi: Liceo classico. Laurea in lingueDiploma post laureamTraduttore /interprete.Non nasco come docente, infatti per un decennio sono stata la responsabile ufficio estero di una importante azienda di import/export, divento insegnante per vocazione. La scuola e' la mia passione. Vincitrice di concorso a cattedra con max votazione mi abilito x insegnare inglese alla secondaria di I e II grado.Incomincio e continuo tuttora con entusiasmo.Funzione strumentale Area scuola e territorio e Ptof
Membro consiglio d'istitutoTutor Pon di lingua Docente ref. E-twinning. Funzione di docente specialista in metodologia Clil ( in Storia e Scienze).Adoro il mio lavoro, credo sia uno tra i piu' stimolanti e creativi ma di grande responsabilita'...alleviamo menti.Mi piace viaggiare, ascoltare musica e stare in mezzo alla gente.

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