European Key Competences 

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The European Council, accepting the proposal made by the European Commission on 17th January2018, launched the Recommendation on key competences for a long-life  learning on 2nd May 2018 along with the European Framework of Reference , which replaced the European Parliament's Recommendation of the Council dated 18th December 2006.  In the same day, the Council adopted the Recommendation for the promotion of common values, inclusive education and an  European teaching dimension. 


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The headmaster makes use of its power of direction, coordination and enhancement of human resources in order to ensure the unitary management of the school institutions. He/she is responsible for the quality of the school practices and their impact on the students’ results. The fundamental tool the current legislation makes available is the Policy Act.

L’Arte e lo sviluppo sostenibile

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Lo sviluppo sostenibile è quello che soddisfa le necessità delle attuali generazioni senza compromettere la capacità delle future generazioni di soddisfare le proprie”(Commissione mondiale sull'ambiente e lo sviluppo dell'ONU, 1987)

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